I-195 Commission Selects Pennrose as Preferred Developer for Parcel 9

A rendering of Pennrose’s proposal for Parcel 9. Source: I-195 Redevelopment District Commission

A rendering of Pennrose’s proposal for Parcel 9. Source: I-195 Redevelopment District Commission

At its October 21st Meeting, the I-195 Redevelopment District Commission voted to designate Pennrose as the preferred developer for Parcel 9. The other developer who had applied was ONE Neighborhood Builders.

The JDA had endorsed ONE Neighborhood Builders, which had offered a proposal that was deemed to be more appropriate for its Fox Point context.

Parcel 9 is located next to Our Lady of The Rosary Church in Fox Point, adjacent to the I-195 off-ramp.

The Parcel 9 specification from the Commission’s Draft Development Plan

The Parcel 9 specification from the Commission’s Draft Development Plan


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